If I have a good sense of judgement, then A Murder for her Majesty is a great mystery. Although the time setting is not given, you may assume this tale takes place in 1558 to 1603. The clues that infer this are:
n The streets are COBBLESTONE
n Horses are still frequently used for transportation
n There are no ovens; hot bricks are used to keep warm
n Cathedrals are made out of bricks
n Candles are used for light often
Nowadays{In 2013} We use electricity to light our houses. Ovens have been invented, we have no need to use warm bricks! Our streets are paved with concrete, not bumpy, uncomfortable stones that require much maintenance. Horses have become slightly outdated: how could we ride one on a highway- set out food and water troughs? Now, we have discovered that brick buildings are less sturdy than our metal-based structures. Our world has improved greatly.
This tale takes place near York in England. There are multiple reasons why I know this:
N Queen Elizabeth l is in rule{1558-1603}
N The Cathedral in York is mentioned multiple times
How to tell a Book’s setting
Even if a book doesn’t mention WHEN or WHERE it takes place, do not fear! These few tips come in EXTREMELY handy for that one school assignment:
N MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ THE BOOK! Flip through the pages and write down carefully each reference to a time or place.
N Even small details can lead to your discovery of the setting. For example, you could use cobblestone streets.
N Carefully gather all the clues, compiling them together. You should soon perceive a good idea of the setting. Use research tools to double check your work.
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