Thursday, February 10, 2011


September Fool’s Day
   Who says you have to employ your trick on April Fool’s Day? I performed mine in September.  The story I am about to tell you is of the best trick I ever played on April Fool’s.
    My family and I were on a trip to the North-East and were staying at a grand hotel in New Hampshire with a water park.  Our dad said we could swim in it, so I was dressing in my swimsuit when I had a hilarious idea.  I didn’t want to take the time to climb out of my boots, so I removed my jeans and boots at the same time.  Studying them, I noticed that it looked like I was still in them.  I took the prop and stuck it under the queen bed my mom and dad were to sleep on that night.  Then I raced into the bathroom and shouted, “Eeewwww, there is a piece of gum under here!”  I had to shout it two more times before my family heard me.  They really thought I was under there!  My dad said, “Bella, we tell you never to go under hotel beds!  You don’t know what is under them!”
  When we reached the water park, I declared it awesome.  It had four water slides, two for younger kids, and they were all open-aired except one.  It took lots of courage for me to slide down it, but I sang away my fear of getting trapped in each time.  Also, there was a harsh turn on that slide that I prepared for, but it always took me by surprise.  The only sad thing about the water park was that kids weren’t allowed in the hot tub.  Most of my family thought that seemed weird, for “Live free or die” was New Hampshire’s State slogan.                                                                                                                      
    Later, before my bedtime, my mom said the first thought that came to her head when I performed my trick was, “Is she really under there?”
    I stayed up thinking about what scheme I would perform next April Fool’s Day.  Then I thought of my sister’s chocolate Maya waste stunt performed earlier in the year.   Reassuring myself that mine would be even better than her’s next year, I fell asleep.

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